Saturday, November 30

Odd statistics

Suddenly my blog is having mad statistics compared to what I had last year, and I don't really link it anywhere so I have no clue why. Are people really reading this?

My body is sore and I've been slacking off a little yesterday and today to heal up. But it's nice that the body's getting a workout, and that I can feel it's strain. Squatting around on the floor while building the new computer took it's toll too, so I figured I have that covered.

What's less fun though is that I appear to be losing weight, this is not really part of the plan... But I suppose it's to be expected when my weight is more water and fat than muscle.

I took a trip down memory lane the other day, going through a box that's been standing around untouched since I was 13. It contains some of my first drawings from when I decided to start drawing for real and not just whatever we did in elementary as part of the education. I sorted out some stuff, but I still have to sort through it again; a second screening in what has to go. Then comes the next step which is dealing with dealing with my shelf. Once that is done I can take care of my briefcase and put my old comics, drafts and doodles in the shelf instead, and I dunno... Return the briefcase to my grandpa?

I want to get rid of the clutter. So much clutter... and it's not so much that it takes time to sort through it as that it's exhausting just thinking about it. I'm gonna sort through the storage room as well eventually, and put the clutter I just don't have the heart to throw in there.

One nifty way of saving space that I'm putting the boxes of the computer parts in the box the case came in. I estimate I can fit the boxes for both computers in there. Handy.

That's all for today.

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