Friday, June 25

A nice day? WTF?

Yesterday was a very nice day, and it took quite many unexpected turns. I couldn't fall asleep until 2:30 am, and then I decided to go to work early so that I could sleep afterwards before cleaning. I also decided to make up some quick plans for midsummer with my father. It turned out he was going to the shopping mall near me, and I was going there to buy a multi-printer, thus we decided I'd go to his place yesterday instead of today (that sounds so impossible) which meant no cleaning day no 2. So instead of sleeping I started to vacuum the kitchen and clean out the bathroom. The place looks like a mess right now as I hardly even managed to clean out the bathroom or take the shower I intended to before I had to go to the bus. I ran to the bus and went to Torp, where we met up. I bought a printer and we dropped it off at my place before going on a day trip around the coast to different stores.

I had a really nice time, which is pretty rare. My dad pampered me all day, and bought me dinner and a lot of small things I needed (a pot, two potato peeler, a pillow cover and so on so forth) and were intending to buy myself. We'll see if he deducts it from my money he has stored for me or not, but I don't think he will. Inside of IKEA he let me ride on the cart; must have looked kinda silly with a younger middle-aged man pushing around his 20 year old kid. And all through the day we pulled bad word-jokes.

I think my father has been missing me, and took the chance of having a day together just the two of us as he has his vacation right now.

We ended the evening quite nicely by watching Sherlock Holmes together, until 1 am. I'm still tired, as we went up by 7 am. Father treated me to a haircut, which my aunt performed on me. Might not be very nicely visible on the pictures, but it looks much nicer now instead of a messy bird's nest.

I can't help but to feel good about when my father treats me kindly. I don't doubt that he loves me, which is not the case with my other family. I like how our relationship is when we don't see each other too often. I'm in a good mood today and it's thanks to my dad, which is rare.

Now I'm gonna go out into the nice weather and do some barbecuing.


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