Thursday, June 16

Almost done!


I've been cleaning all day, well, picking up stuff, doing some dusting and some vacuuming. I also took a small trip downtown and now I'm already used up. Blood pressure is low, but not worse than giving me a slight headache and some nausea. Feels a bit funny though when I check my pulse; it's a bit fast, though within the parameters of normal I guess, but there's no pressure. Feels almost like I'm stopping the blood flow when I check the pulse. I'm  hoping it to pass soon, since I can't even turn my head quickly without getting dizzy. Slow movements when packing then...

I managed to complete a lot more than I thought I would. Apartment looks decent (messy but decent) and almost all recyclables are recycled. I've matched the amount of food left to how long I'll be here and there are no dirty dishes. I feel content.

The bills are paid, the ticket has been picked out, I've updated most sites about that I'll be gone... The only thing left now is colouring a commission and pack. Packing will most likely take half the night, leaving me tired as I don't know what, but then maybe I'll be able to sleep on the train. Got 1h waiting time at the first changing spot, and then 2h in the second one. And my cell as only amusement. I hope people aren't busy tomorrow because I will be spamming them.

So, now I've rested enough while typing this. Gotta keep on picking with stuff now.


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