Sunday, May 11


One healthy habit I've contracted is exchanging a normal glass for a jug. The original reason; it's easier to clean the jug than my glass. The good thing though is that I probably drink 1-2L of water every day. I have some effervescent salts and minerals tablets that I have a glass of every now and then though. I don't use a lot of salts in my food, so I take some precautions on the hotter days and if I've just had a lot of water.

The result? I lost 3kg. I have been running a fever and a terrible diarrhoea so that could have had an impact on it, if it weren't for the fact that I lost the first two kilograms the week before that.

And speaking of the fever. Monday night I had the worst fever I can remember. It went up to 39ºC before I took a shot at some ibuprofen I suddenly remembered I had. I took it just in time because the fever made me gag out of sheer fever nausea. I intentionally drank as little water as I could to get the pill down so I wouldn't throw it up. And it was successful. The fever subsided a little. I've been dizzy and feverish all week, but at least it was only that first night that it was that terrible. Do NOT want.

What else can I say? I've picked up re-learning all the math I've forgotten these 5 years since I graduated senior high. My brain is so rusty I can't calculate anything in my head any more, but hopefully that'll change; I have 3 or 4 months to study for it anyway, and I've already known all of this before so it's more of a refresh and restore pokémon style thing I need to do, on the skill of counting in my head.

Wish me luck!

/Nighty night.

Tuesday, March 18

Lonesome troubles

Today has been a rather lovely day. It started off really well with a brisk morning walk (with the dog) before a quick visit to the mall, where I got to exchange two shirts for 3 others with no problem at all. I had a nap and woke up to finally clear out the closet. Now I've stowed away some things there and I have soo much more room. When I was done I noticed a message from my neighbour friend whom I often take dog-walks with. She's a really kind person and offered to do some dishes for me while I took out some stuff for recycling. Not only did I finally get rid of a big bulky box that has been following me for 12 years, I got ALL my dishes done for me.

I feel as if I'm actually getting somewhere now with my long-time quest to get rid of all the crap I don't use. I can't wait for when it's all either gone or in the storage.I can't wait for being able to vacuum at least once a week again! No more clutter, no more trash!

What's not so great though is that it's time for my better half to live away over the weekdays, and tonight was the first alone, and I started it out nicely with a dream where he came home to tell me he was dying with a fungi infection.

There are a few other bad things about being alone though...

When I'm alone I don't like to eat. I could live on liquids alone. Not healthy at all, but I just don't get hungry. In a way I should use this as a time to size down my tummy in order to size down my hiny.

I also hate leaving home even more than usual (walking the dog excluded). I will rather starve than go shop alone. I can manage this by shopping during the weekend when my beloved is home again.

Let's see what tomorrow brings. I know one thing is for sure; dog walks. Three of them.