Friday, August 31

Buddhist Living

So I've known for a long time that that I'm a bit Buddhist by nature, and thus owning is suffering for me.

One reason is that I just attatch too much to things. It's not really anywhere near unhealthy levels, but I'm a gemini, and freedom is impotant for my psychological wellbeing. Sentients and owning things makes me tied down and will probably cause substantial trauma if forcibly lost - in, let's say a fire.

Another reason is that I have a buch of stuff collecting dust that I don't need or ever use. So instead of having them an annoying element to clean off, I might as well pack up what I don't use but want to save, and throw/give away what I don't want at all.

This serves well for a third reason; I intend to move as soon as possible, and thus I want as little as possible to move.

I'm gonna be so happy once all of this is done. I don't really need to own more than kitchen appliances and tablewear and my electronics.

and it's so much easier to clean without clutter.

G'night and sorry for being so quiet.