Sunday, May 11


One healthy habit I've contracted is exchanging a normal glass for a jug. The original reason; it's easier to clean the jug than my glass. The good thing though is that I probably drink 1-2L of water every day. I have some effervescent salts and minerals tablets that I have a glass of every now and then though. I don't use a lot of salts in my food, so I take some precautions on the hotter days and if I've just had a lot of water.

The result? I lost 3kg. I have been running a fever and a terrible diarrhoea so that could have had an impact on it, if it weren't for the fact that I lost the first two kilograms the week before that.

And speaking of the fever. Monday night I had the worst fever I can remember. It went up to 39ºC before I took a shot at some ibuprofen I suddenly remembered I had. I took it just in time because the fever made me gag out of sheer fever nausea. I intentionally drank as little water as I could to get the pill down so I wouldn't throw it up. And it was successful. The fever subsided a little. I've been dizzy and feverish all week, but at least it was only that first night that it was that terrible. Do NOT want.

What else can I say? I've picked up re-learning all the math I've forgotten these 5 years since I graduated senior high. My brain is so rusty I can't calculate anything in my head any more, but hopefully that'll change; I have 3 or 4 months to study for it anyway, and I've already known all of this before so it's more of a refresh and restore pokémon style thing I need to do, on the skill of counting in my head.

Wish me luck!

/Nighty night.

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