Sunday, November 8

Still Alive

Portal references, wheeee!

I caved in and got me a facebook account to keep in touch with my family. But I am not selling my images to facebook >_< I just got an account to keep in touch with family, nothing else. I strongly dislike facebook, but it's not like everyone in my family has msn sadly.

And what is up with MSN FORCING you to update to that horrible newer version? Someone should do something gruesome to MSN for that. Someone, not me.

I went shopping yesterday, and I just kept realizing that what I can eat lately is basically just sallad, tea and a very modest amount of treats. In order to start checking my food intake (for the sake of my health) I am going to start a food diary, where I also note how I felt after eating what I ate. I am not an anorectic, but the small amount I have been able to put into myself lately is so modest I am feeling how I wither away.

I appreciate if someone has any good recipe on easy to process but high nutritional values, I would love to receive them in the comments.

*sigh* I want to be healthy now. I long sooo much to swim, and move about. Would be awesome to go skiing some day too. I miss moving around so horribly much! I am really miserable, not even being able to walk down to the store down town. ;_;

As a counter measure to being immobilized and pitiful, I have started a project in taking commissions. It gives me something to do and makes me feel less worthless and unproductive. I can understand why people get depressed when unemployed, I am not though, waaay to busy trying to make use of myself.

For some reason, I have started to almost completely avoid lactose. I even went as far as to buy the special ice-cream for lactose intolerant. Well, I find that brand very tasty (tofuline) especially the chocolate one, but they didn't have it when we were shopping so I bought a multi-flavoured one from the same brand.

This is kinda silly though since I am not lactose intolerant and it makes no difference what so ever. But I heard that infectious tummies could temporally be sensitive to lactose, so I am taking the safe before the unsafe.

Well... I guess I have other things to do.

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