Saturday, November 21

Still going... on?

living off of take out, I have been quite energetic for being me lately (=haven't been feeling as shitty as normally) it may or may not have something to do with the examinations I have had and the fact that the doctors know that I am bleeding from somewhere inside of me, and have been for many years. My recent nausea has most likely been caused by the low blood pressure and the combination with the anaemia.

I find it funny how the doctor, who found me slightly depressed and wanted me to see their psychiatrist, all of a sudden after seeing my test results and did the examination of my place where the sun don't shine doesn't think I need to see him any more, and was very thorough with telling me that I am ill and MUST NOT cancel any appointments from here on, as the case apparently is that when you can see anaemia in the blood samples, then it has gone very far, and she told me normally a person measures iron in between 10-15, and I had 5. And to top it up, she believes that my gut is filled with small inflammation that bleeds. So they are going to put wires in me through both ends, yippie.

But, at least they are taking me serious and aren't going on about how I am just a little negative and depressed because I am unemployed (works fine with that I was ill through out my school time, yet I got recommended to start studying again, cause I will have much more energy once I start studying again, which almost killed me a year ago...) and that I should write "I think I can, I know I can" on a paper every day. Yeah, I am still fired up about the doctor at the emergency room that told me that. I got so humiliated I started to cry. Really embarrassing when the nurse came back in for some additional blood samples right after.

I am doing kinda ok on the drawing front. I have gotten some commissions and the purchasers were happy with the results. That makes my days at least ^^


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