Wednesday, June 6

My Name

I get this question a lot, so I figured I'd just make an entry about it, to link people whenever it happens online (real life still requires individual explanations) and be relived of repeating myself.

The story behind the name
September 2003 I became desperate for a nickname, as I quite abhorred my given name already back then. I was also searching for a suitable stage name, as I was certain I was destined to live my life in the name of various arts. So I made up this name, with the idea that it would match the nickname of my best friend as I thought we were destined to be soul-mates for the rest of our lives and of course we'd rock the world in the same band.

I liked what I created, and felt right at home with my new given name. Incorporating it was a bit of a challenge since everyone I knew called me by my given name or a common nickname for people with that name. That issue would turn out to fix itself as I was thrown out of junior high for being too bullied. So, after changing schools I only introduced myself with my new name and would not really speak of my name ever again.

After not very long, I came to despise my given name so much that I would not even be able to say it out loud. I even used a fame name or one of my middle names when I worked because I just couldn't out and say it. So at the day I turned 18, I was ready with the papers for changing one's name legally, and I submitted it. With that I removed two of my names; my given name completely eliminated and a spare surname my mother had added when I was around 10 or so to try and stop bullying, only to fuel it on even more. All that was left was my two middle names (which I had nothing against apart from their genus) and my father's and my original surname, plus my new first name.

Some FAQ

Q: Where does it origin from?
A: I made it up, I was inspired by nothing. I just sat on the floor in my room and thought it up.

Q: Are you really Swedish?
A: Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: I'm half Swedish, 1/4 Danish and 1/4 Finnish. My paternal grandparents are from Denmark and Finland. I take after my Finnish grandma a lot and could probably pass for a finn apart from the fact that I can't say much more than "minun siskat koira nimi on Tessan" (which is supposed to mean "my sister's dog is names Tessan") with probably a really bad pronunciation. But practically, I'm as Swedish as you can get. Non of my grandparents have shared any heritage because in Sweden, we are swedes.

Q: Why did you remove your given name?
A: I loath it.

Q: What was your given name?
A: I can't tell you.

Q: So it's not middle eastern?
A: Not. One. Bit.

Now I've come to realize that I won't become the androgynous shock-rocker I wanted to be, but I haven't given up my dream, I'm just regrouping.

(I might edit this post as I receive more questions)

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