Monday, August 23

Politics and Dreams of a Future

If I ever would go into politics I'd go into a dictatorship that will lead to world domination, then I'd only use the top experts to help me decide in the important matters, and I would distribute the world wealth evenly. And once the world is turned into a place where no old helpless woman will shake in fear of getting bombed, everyone is well educated enough to realize that when help ourselves by helping others. After that, I'd let democracy resume. This is how God must feel... "Why did I let them decide for themselves? I told them the most important thing is to LOVE, LOVE!!!" Sorry for the slight blasphemy guys.

I'm really fed up with ignorant closeminded people expecting "we should close off our countries just live we've shut off our minds, then all of our countries problems will be solved!" to actually work. Communication is the only way to advance! If we don't help other we can't help ourselves. If we don't bring people out of poverty, we will never stop getting mugged, robbed or killed. Three of me could live like kings on an executive's salary, and still leave enough money for the executive to live a decent life. That does not mean we should let three of me leach on an executive's salary, but that we could/should use those money to create three new jobs, for people like me.

I really don't get why they put tax reductions on people who can afford it, when someone like me have to pay taxes even though I have almost no income. If I didn't pay any taxes, I could live off of a part time job. Which in my case would solve my issue with not being able to support myself with a full time job due to my poor health and I wouldn't have to go crawling with the tail between my legs to the social service for welfare money every month. AND I could afford to wait for the medical care I need but don't get.

Why do we save money where we have to put money? How do they expect ill people to get well when there's no healthcare?!

ARGH! These politicians drive me nuts! And the people voting for them make me even madder! It's because of the voters that the politicians get so wish-washy.


And to leave the politics...

I want to be able to support myself on my art. Someday I wanna make a website that's successful (perhaps with a webcomic :3) and that's not clustered with commercial. The ads that exist there will all be created by me too, to make the site even more unanimous, and I get money for creating the ads, thus reduce the need even further to put in a lot of commercials.

I miss making comics, quite a lot. I used to make many comics, but nowadays I don't draw any comics at all. Mainly because the one person I wanted to show my comics to stopped seeing me. Loosing friends is such a tragic thing for someone who doesn't have very many.

Yesterday I finished my first real commission for real money. (pic related) It's a pic for the title card of Tanukis youtube bake-a-longs. Check them out if you want to and love retro baking.

In other annoying news; my computer mouse is now completely unusable, and my keyboard is also going unusable. Typing is frustrating, and I type a lot. So tomorrow I'm checking out new keyboards.

Now I am off to try to learn more CSS. Making websites, YAY!


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