Friday, October 16

Unexpected turn of events

Today I took a little detour to the local piercing studio, kinda like a last minute visit before closing to see what their prices are, what it contains (jewelry?) and perhaps book a time. They had drop in and the price was just right for my taste and I know they are a good studio from before. So I ended up getting a piercing.

But then, once done and while she was wiping off the blood I mention things they should edit on their website, and briefly referred to that I noticed it due to that I have an interest in those kinds of things and am practicing it a little. And she ended up asking me if I could do it. So all of a sudden I had more or less booked up a job, I will get paid for helping them. I won't take much money, I am glad they asked me; gives me something to do.

So now I am waiting for her to call me and schedule a time where we look closer at the website and discuss what they want. I looked closer at the page now, and I won't be taking much money since it is more or less piss easy to edit. I hope she calls, I could re do the entire thing for them for like 90€ or something like it.

Things looks out for me. I am in a very good mood. I hope I get to work on this, I could do it for free just because it is fun.

Well.. Should be finding out how to make some wound cleaner for the piercing now...

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