Saturday, November 6

In a sump... As if I ever wasn't...

Ok, there's been an awful lot of whining lately, and I can't really say I dare to look back at what I've written, but I never edit and I never remove unless asked to for one or two reasons.

I'm still in the fever mist, but I have some energy. And by "some" I mean I'm still tired, but not "I'm gonna pass out" tired. I don't think I'm running on minus at least.

But my feeding has been miserable. I've been shifting in between plenty unhealthy alternatives, such as ONLY eating salad a day, or only eating one pizza, given that there WAS salad on that one too... But it still feels... not good. Need to shop big soon, but I need some more money first, and some more health. I just don't know what to put into my mouth right now. I don't want to eat, but I have to.

I'm very bored with the looks of my blog. I want something more stylishly me... But I just can't take the time to rewrite the entire css code for this thing. I will try to learn how to, once I get out of this fever mist.

Tomorrow is the last day of work for this week. Then I'm off one week. Will be nice to actually be able to do something for a change.


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