Wednesday, August 26


I must say I am getting really tired of people's praising. I was a little happy earlier today, especially since I have gotten a lot of praising lately and people being kind and positive towards me. Sadly I just realize they are just being kind, friendly and polite, or doing their jobs.

I am low in confidence right now, I am aware of it, but I know it shows; I went to a job coach today and she was very prominent on telling me how calm, composed, true and secure in myself I seemed. I know it is her job to give me confidence in myself so I will be confident applying for jobs and thus get one, I was expecting that, but it was the tings she remarked on that made me realize that my low confidence and high expectations on myself was shining through. I never seize to amaze myself in how easy I am to read. Personal letter my hiny; You just need to look at me and you will know instantly what a miserable person I am.

That aside though; I am really happy that some people seem to show interest in my works. And they are the ones that matters actually. I hope the response will be genuine and positive so that I can actually go back to believing in myself again. I will put in a lot of effort so at least I hope they will tell me if they do not like it, and it seems like they will.

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