Monday, August 31

Not much to add

Well, events made it so that the last days I have not been able to make entries here. I am not too surprised since that is how my life usually works nowadays; disabled every other day. I was thinking that to make up for it I should make something nice to this entry, having something to talk about at least.

But... I got nothing.

This is what happened;
I went to celebrate my more or less only real friend Yonas' birthday this Thursday, I missed my buss/cart home, and had to go home at 4 am instead; that day's entry ruined, then I was exhausted enough to sleep the entire day away, then I had some kind of attack making me unable to breath, so it was off to the hospital for 14h. Of course they found nothing, as usual. After I came home I have been feeling bad as hell, and NEW parts of my belly is aching. Yay. I tried to explain the pain away with muscle fever, but apparently you can not have it in that area. Seems like yet another thing to bring up to my doctor at the local care-center. If I get a time there this year.

And after that... well, I felt like dying, so not much energy for anything. Though I made an earnest attempt to socialize by treating a neighbor and two "friends" we have in common to some chocolate pancakes bu my own recipe.

And just so you know; it is painful when the doctor stab you in the bone with the needle instead of the artery. Well, for me it was not that bad, just enough for me not be able to restrain myself. But a hell of a lot more than it should. And the pain goes on for like 4-5 hours after. I still feel tender in my wrist, and it has been a day or so. My first thought before I got to know that he stabbed my bone was "it must really hurt a fuckload to slit your wrists".

I know it is not interesting to read, but being so incredibly forgetful nowadays I really need to write it down to remember.

I dread the hospital bill, and I felt so incredibly silly for going into the hospital as I hate hospitals; They only check the "normal" things and sends me home because they do not find anything. Well, I am not diabetic, and I do not smoke nor drink, OR take medications dangerous to anything. What did you expect? I do everything to make myself healthy, so OBVIOUSLY the normal things are not what is wrong with me. Besides; I am young.

I have no faith in this region's medical care.

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