Saturday, May 21


I am never ever ever forgetting food in my fridge to rot. I forgot I had some ham in a plastic jar, and since I'm cleaning out my kitchen before I leave to visit friends, I find all the dirty disgusting things I forgot I had (more like noted it had turned bad, so I pushed up the sanitation process and then it got so far back into the fridge I forgot it) and need to clean before it takes over my home while I'm gone.

It's sooo nasty and I hope I don't get mould spores all over. Not a big worry since I'm gonna clean more or less everything off anyway but.. meh! Still gross.

I'm more or less done with the fridge and the dishes, so I look at the rest of my apartment and go all *siiiigghh* because there's so much clutter all over. Clutter is my biggest enemy; once it's there I can't get rid of it. Well, I can. it just takes time since it builds up so fast...

Tomorrow I'm attacing the commercials and the small-stuff. Sorting laundry and all of that. We'll see what I'll do. What was important is the dishes and the fridge. Well, the bathroom is important too since we just cleansed it, but it still smells, so I gotta go over it with some chemicals.

I don't have enough energy to clean three days in a row, but I kinda have to. I want it clean! And I need to throw out a lot of crap, no need to save so much useless stuff.

Now I'm gonna draw some more I think. Or go to bed.

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