Tuesday, June 15

Busy day

Ah gosh! I'm so heavenly tired right now. Today I've been hanging out with Yonas in this country's second largest city. I left my town straight after work this morning at 8:35. I came home about 22:55. I'm really tired, but I thoroughly enjoyed the day. I've missed my precious friend. He treated me to some vegetarian maki he and his room-mate had made the other day. It was truly delicious, even though I don't like wasabi, it was really tasty to that. Felt very healthy compared to my normal foods.

We also hung out with a friend of Yonas' most of the day, and by late afternoon, I met Yonas' boyfriend Dennis. A pretty famous blogger. He's very sweet and I can see why many would like him. But I can't help but wonder why on earth anyone that'd met him would think he's straight. Maybe it's just that I - as a bisexual - just have a gaydar.

I photographed some today. I'd say pretty much all of the pictures turned out bad in my critical eyes, but I had fun anyway. Sadly I just discovered that my computer doesn't support SDHC-cards. Very crappy, so I'll show you some pics tomorrow.

"El mundo es un pañuelo"
Literally it means "the world is a handkerchief" but it's the Spanish proverb for English's "it's a small world". It's the phrase I remember the most clearly from my Spanish classes in ninth grade. I've been saying it several times today, and to prove it's true, I met gholen who lives in the same city as me at one of the town squares, and then when I was going home, I met him on the train as well. We did not talk to each other at all about the arrangement or the travelling there/home. What are the odds? We had some "Marängswiss" at Mc Donnald's while waiting for the bus home and I thought it was kinda nice. I could have cheezburger. Nom nom nom.

Also, the pic I made for my desktop about Likström.se was requested to be used as a flyer for the site and in a different resolution for use as a desktop image. I am flattered.

I'll never be a best friend, but I'll be the one who's always there, even when everyone else fails you.
- Today's thoughts.

Now I'm off to bed. Let's see how long I hallucinate before I fall asleep tonight.

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