Tuesday, June 22

Gholen's Birthday

Today's been so eventful I feel like it's been a week.

First, yesterday I missed the last bus home from Yonas so I stayed over. Not very much sleeping on my behalf as I woke up every 15 min, and it took me 15 min to fall asleep. When we were going to bed at 3 AM I suddenly remembered why it was kinda important I got home; I have an appointment today. So I set the alarm early, and went up even slightly earlier, caught the morning commuter's bus up to Torp, and then home.

Once home I made a few calls, then did some dishes and prepared for the meeting. I even napped a little. Then I got up and away in time for the bus to the meeting, that was supposed to leave me plenty time to spare. 5 minutes, no bus. 10 minutes, no bus... "What the..." I thought and saw more and more people stop by the bus stop. Two girls were in a hurry and even called for a cab. Then it hit me; it's the summer timetables now. The next bus would take me into town 5 min before the meeting. No time to spare at all. And that bus was late too, so I ended up on a different bus, jumped off earlier than I would have otherwise and found that I actually came closer to the place then I would have otherwise. I made it just in time.

The meeting itself actually went pretty well. I met a pretty confident and competent person and she understood my situation better than I did. It felt very comforting.

Then I was off back home. I came home and ate some food, then I called my boss about needing to have a substitute at work when I'm gone, and she was actually very sweet about it, no questions asked and it was just all very certain and clear with the salary to the substitute. Also I got my neighbour to watch my apartment for me while I'm gone. Now I just need to clean it up nice and tidy before I go.

After that I went to gholen to celebrate his 26th birthday. We talked a little, then we were going to pick up his lovely friends, whom I had never met before. Once again, we waited for buses that never came. A very cute girl enlightened us that there had been 3 buses that hadn't come. "Oh joy" was our thoughts. Gholen and his girlfriend needed to go buy some beer and cider before the store that sells alcohol closed. A bus finally came and we managed down town with 5 min to spare. They got their beer, then we had an "ice-cream" at McDonnald's while waiting for the last of his friends. Once all gathered, we went to buy food to grill.

I had a really nice evening. Nobody got very drunk and they were all really nice people. I'm glad to have met them actually, and despite being awfully sleep deprived I had a lot of fun, and took a few kinda very nice pictures actually.

One of gholen's two friends that joined us today. I just love his expression on this pic.

The birthday boy himself. Caught in sunlight.

Karro; a just lovely and very talented musician.

The food.

On my way home I figured I kinda liked how the bus driver was driving (I usually keep track of how they are driving, a hobby of mine) so I decided to try to brighten his day with letting him know I thought so. But when I tired like hell tried to tell him before I went of the bus, I blurted it out so tactless I'm sure I seemed wasted drunk. I heard how stupid it sounded, but if I'd try to make it seem more sincere, I'd just sound even more drunk.

I got to try gholen's girlfriend's tablet, a wacom bamboo. I loved it! and it's super cheap too! So tomorrow I'm gonna go to torp and buy one. It's really tiny, but just all that marvellous to use. Way closer to drawing on a real paper than my clumsy not working properly pen to my tablet. I like that my tablet is big, but the small one is just all that much better.

A picture I took on my way home. I like this view.

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