Thursday, June 17


So, today I went into the store on my way home to "buy something to drink" with ice-tea in mind. I came out with a grocery bag full of healthy foods. No "noms" at all. I have plenty of that at home.

Every time I shop, especially when I go to a manned register (as opposed to the do it your self registers) I look down into my shopping basket of what kind of person it gives the impression I am. Mostly I just seem like a lonely young person who likes tuna and cheese doodles. Today my basket actually made sense! Low lactose sour milk, müsli with nuts in it, lettuce, cucumber, paprika, tuna, creme fraishe, tomatoes... Seemed like a healthy shopping list. Not much has happened by then so it kinda made my day. Silly psychological thing most of us do. I'm not the only one who likes to feel healthy. I'm trying to as well but...

And on the note of food... I really don't want to count calories! It's such a pain in the hind and it's hard to "guess" how much I eat. I usually end up eating the entire package of everything, just to be sure of how many calories I got, and it's still not a precise count. Like; today I had a microwave popcorn bag for snacks. I have no idea how many/few calories there is in that, but I'm sure I got my salt all right.

These passed few days I've put more calories into my mouth that I should have, so I can feed off of that extra little layer if things go bad eating wise.

And I hope to do some stretching too. If I get to hang out with Yonas more I get to have more fun, laugh more and some kinda exercise since we never stay in one spot! That man's never still! It's quite fun actually. I'd like to put on a step-counter and spend a day with him just to see how much he actually walks around. My feet were hurting when I came home the other day, but I blame my shoes mostly.

Well... guess that's all for now.


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